Veteran Affairs


We Love You, Veterans!

At Heritage Assisted Living we like to honor those who have sacrificed so much for the greater good.
We are partnered and have been officially designated a Veterans facility by the CRC and the US Department of Veteran Affairs.
Heritage can assist you in gathering information and pointing you to a resource that will allow you to get those benefits. 

The following is what you will need to complete the application process:

1.    Report of Separation (DD214) received upon Discharge from service.

To get a copy of this info you can:

National Archives and Records Administration
9700 Page Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63132-5100
Phone: 314-301-0300 / Fax: 314-301-9195
Allow 1-3 months processing time.

2.    Marriage License (former and Current) & Divorce decrees.
3.    Death certificate (if surviving spouse is the applicant):
4.    Social Security Benefit letter for each applicant (veteran & spouse)
5.    Name and contact information of child/family member/overseer of application’s personal affairs
6.    Statement from care taker as to related expenses (monthly basis)
7.    Proof of current income amount (Social Security, Retirement Statement, last bank statement
8.    List of liquid assets (examples: CD’s, Annuities, IRA, Oil & Gas, Market value of your home, Whole life insurance cash surrender amount,etc.)
9.    Trust if you have one.