Choose Independence, Not Loneliness

senior loneliness

Loneliness is one of the most common and least discussed health concerns for seniors. Older age leads to several isolating and individual factors, including the death of spouses and close friends, family members' moving away and the onset of diseases. A series of health-related issues, including increased risk of depression, cognitive decrease, dementia, high blood pressure, and many other conditions, may be associated with loneliness in itself.

The adverse effects of loneliness on the health of older adults are addressed by our experts at Heritage Assisted Living retirement communities in OKC. Please read more and reach us today!

Causes of Seniors’ Loneliness

As already mentioned, living alone is a major contributor to senior loneliness. However, a number of other factors may lead to loneliness and isolation of older people. The following factors are:

  • The death of a spouse

  • The fear of being a burden

  • A change in environment

  • Children moving to other places

  • The deterioration in a friend circle

  • Chronis Illness

  • The fear of injury

  • Difficulty in communication


With the many adverse health effects of loneliness now evident, it is essential to combat solitude to maintain the health and well-being of every senior person. In many cases, awareness is the first step in tackling solitude. Look for these signs and symptoms if you think that a senior in your life may be struggling against loneliness:

  • Sadness

  • Loss of interest

  • Lack of motivation

  • Memory problems

  • Aggravated aches and pains

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Unexplained behavior

  • Neglecting personal hygiene

It doesn't mean living alone and being lonely are the same. A study conducted covering 3,000 Americans aged 57 to 85 showed that those who live alone are surprisingly more likely than those who are married to socialize with friends and neighbors. You can live by yourself alone, but you should not be lonely.

Living alone or not, here are advice to the elderly who live in others’ company:

  • Use social media. Social media is easy to use and supports the connection of countless older adults to loved ones.

  • Take a move to a home community after retirement. Living among others offers convenient socialization and, if necessary, helpful assistance.

  • Explore options for transport. Contact your local assistance agency or accept friends and family offers to get out of the house for the day.

  • Join a hobby or support group. Comfort and companionship are provided by being with others sharing their lives and interests.

Contact us or visit, and we will show you our full range of services if you would like to move to an affordable retirement home in Oklahoma. Heritage Assisted Living in Oklahoma have retirement communities in OKC. Everywhere, in a family-friendly, caring environment, you'll find residents living full lives with vibrant social interaction.